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As the final wisps of smoke clears, my memory begins to unhaze, shyly. To let it go, or not to let it go- that is the question.I sigh with rememberance. Unio Mystica. Psychedelia. Ecstasy. Same Goddess. Different religions. It's hard. It's hard to remember., to differentiate, when you're drunken with chaos. Which part of it was dancing, talking, tears,remorse, anger, guilt, love, walking, running...from others. From oneself? To see the lights of the lawns, dissolve to nothing but sweet taste in your mouth. I cannot recall now. I can only describe a memory. A feeling, it is impossible to describe. For describing it means you're the spectator of your own life, not the actor. An actor cannnot do that. He can tell you in retrospect, his memory of what happened, what shouldn't have and what it was about. A question on feelings, he can only answer with a sigh. a sigh, because he knows that feeling exists, but its not there anymore. a sigh. because he doesn't know. He can try to knot the few remaining threads, but he knows how far is it from that fine fabric, of warmth, exhiliration. There is a wild beauty, it seeps into everyone. Take, O, take those lips away, That so sweetly were forsworn; And those lights,the break of day, Lights that do mislead the morn: But my kisses, bring again, bring again; Seals of love. But sealed in vain, sealed in vain. Sigh.

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